Sunday, August 20, 2006

Triple-boot IPL and Rockbox Tutorial

Rockbox Instalation guide

-1. Connect your iPod. Make sure that if you have IPL installed, then delete it. If not, then don’t install it yet.
-2. Install Rockbox
-3. When Rockbox is finshed installing, DON’T DISCONECT FROM COMPUTER!!!
-4. Install iPodLinux
-5. Make sure that you have the nesiscary files like the operating system for Rockbox and Podzilla. I highly sudgest Floydzilla. It works great and is very nice and organized.
-6. Disconect iPod
-7. Try IPL then reset and try Rockbox. If you folowed the steps correctly, it should work. To boot into the regular firmwear, hold the menu button.

Goodluck and enjoy ! :d

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