Wednesday, August 16, 2006


emy Keith has written about his experience taking tagging to the web 2.0 extreme, incorporating Ajax via Hijax, rel-tag, API, x-folk entries, and more:

Each journal entry page now shows the tags at the end of the post. These are linked (using rel-tag of course) to an aggregate tag page that shows any other posts with the same tag. Pretty standard stuff.

But then I thought it would be fun to tie the post in with other things I’ve tagged, not on this site but on Under the heading “Related”, you’ll find links to the same tags for my links.

Rather then sending you off to, I’m using the API to bring the results back to this site. Using a bit of Ajax, these results are displayed without a page refresh. I’m using Hijax so if JavaScript is disabled, the links will still work.

I’ve got a nice little progress bar going while the request is being sent, and a bit of a colour fade happening when the response comes back. The results themselves could probably do with some more styling. Right now I’m just displaying them in a regular unordered list of x-folk entries but I think they might look nice if they were more comment-like in appearance.

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