Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ipod nano background image tutorial

Tools Needed:
· iPodWizard
· I used iPod Updater version 2005-10-12 but it should work with other versions
· Adobe Photoshop or equal
· Can only be greyscale.
· Max height of image is 60px and width is 140px, split into four segments each being 15px in height.
· Can only occupy Photos, Extras, Settings and Shuffle songs.

Step 1- Using IpodWizard save the bitmap for font index 29.
Step 2- Decide on the picture you want and load it into photoshop; then change it to Greyscale with the size of 140x60.
Step 3- Create a new layer from the Fbitmap background with Ctrl+J.
Step 4- Using the magic wand select the white behind the text on the new layer and delete it; now all you should have on the new layer is the letters. With the backround set to non-visable u will see a grid background.
Step 5- Cut the image into four sections each being 140x15.

Step 6- Now drag each segment onto the Fbitmap and put it behind the text layer. To make it easier I lined each part up with the second to last letter so they would be centered.
Step 7- Once all the pieces are in place save it as a .bmp.
Step 8- Open up iPodWizard and load your saved bitmap as font index 29.
Step 9- Downgrade firmware and write.
Step 10- Using your iPod as reference adjust the sections so that they line up.

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